
Recommended therapies for polycythemia vera underused

(HealthDay)—Among older patients with polycythemia vera (PV), therapeutic phlebotomy and hydroxyurea (HU) are associated with improved overall survival and decreased risk for thrombosis but are underused, according to a ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Medication type for diabetes may affect severe COVID-19 outcomes

(HealthDay)—The use of certain classes of diabetes medications prior to severe COVID-19 infection is associated with lower mortality in patients with diabetes, according to a study published online June 16 in Diabetes Care.


24/7 intensivist in pediatric ICU improves patient outcomes

(HealthDay)—Having a 24/7 intensivist in pediatric intensive care units (ICUs) is associated with improved patient outcomes, according to a study published in the Dec. 15 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and ...


Young scientist helps identify cause of widespread eye disease

Branch retinal vein occlusion – blockage of the blood vessels that channel blood from the retina – is a common eye disease. A type of blood clot in the eye, the disease causes reduced vision, and people with the disease ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fiber tied to lower mortality in those with colorectal cancer

(HealthDay)—Higher fiber intake after a diagnosis of nonmetastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with lower CRC-specific and overall mortality, according to a study published online Nov. 2 in JAMA Oncology.


Whole body CT doesn't cut mortality in peds blunt trauma

(HealthDay)—Whole body computed tomography (WBCT) is not associated with reduced mortality compared with a selective CT approach among children with blunt trauma, according to a study published online April 9 in JAMA Pediatrics.

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