Medical research

When the isolated lung runs out of air

A lung transplant is the only treatment option for patients faced with imminent pulmonary failure. But suitable donor organs are highly susceptible to damage in transit. A team of researchers based at LMU's Walther Straub ...


Lung transplant system often skips over those most in need

The current system for allocating donated lungs based on proximity and not on need appears to decrease the potential benefits of lung transplantation and increase the number of patients who die waiting, researchers said at ...


Surgeons perform first 'ex vivo' lung transplants

A 59-year-old woman from upstate New York and a 60-year-old woman from the New York metro area were the first patients in New York state and among the first in the United States to receive transplanted lungs that were assessed ...

Medical research

New insights come from tracing cells that irreversibly scar lungs

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is an incurable disease in which the delicate gas exchange region of the lung fills with scar tissue, which interferes with breathing. Now researchers at Duke University Medical Center ...

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