Medical research

Lung cell transplant boosts healing after the flu in mice

Some cases of the flu are so severe they cause lasting injury to the lungs. New research from the University of Pennsylvania now points to a strategy that may one day offer protection against this damage.

Medical research

Damaged lungs breathe life into COVID research

A small black lump, about an inch or so in width, rests on the bottom of a sealed plastic container. It doesn't look like much—in fact, it doesn't look like anything. But this little black lump has untold potential, full ...


Lung transplant recipient defies all odds

Meara Schmidt, 28, almost died a few weeks ago. Lying in her hospital bed at UCLA, the seriously ill cystic fibrosis patient felt herself slipping away and her life flashing by. But then the image of her husband appeared, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cough may warn of danger for patients with lung-scarring disease

A new analysis has found that coughing may signal trouble for patients with the lung-scarring disease known as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The study, published in the journal Respirology, found that patients with the condition ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Infinite hug mechanism may be key to lung fibrosis

Researchers have long known that fibrosis – scarred tissue and organs – is caused by a wound healing mechanism that goes awry beyond normal wound repair. Now, a group of researchers at the University of Toronto's Faculty ...

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