Biomedical technology

First nonhuman primate model of Usher syndrome confirmed

Those with Usher Syndrome—the leading hereditary cause for simultaneous deafness and blindness, for which there is no treatment—may have a new reason for hope now that researchers have confirmed the first-ever nonhuman ...

Medical research

Another monkey virus could be poised for spillover to humans

An obscure family of viruses, already endemic in wild African primates and known to cause fatal Ebola-like symptoms in some monkeys, is "poised for spillover" to humans, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research ...


Vaccination for HIV shows promise in rhesus macaques

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. has developed a vaccine for HIV that shows promise in rhesus macaques. In their paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the group ...


Electrical stimulation improves arm control in paralyzed monkeys

Electrical stimulation of surviving nerves of the upper spinal cord damaged by severe injury can improve motor control of the upper limb and allow individuals with limited arm function to partially regain lost movement, report ...

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