
Varenicline helps smokers with depression to quit smoking

About half of smokers seeking treatment for smoking cessation have a history of depression. Compared with smokers who are not depressed, those who suffer from a major depressive disorder (MDD) have greater difficulty quitting.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study tracks depression in seniors, ethnic groups

(Medical Xpress)—Major depression is a serious public health problem among older adults in the United States, but tends to affect ethnic groups differently, finds new research led by a Michigan State University scholar.


New blood thinner beats older drug for vein clots

(HealthDay)—People who need to take a blood thinner because they've had a clot in the deep veins of their legs appear to do better with the new drug Pradaxa (dibigatran) than with the older drug warfarin, researchers report.


Quinn on Nutrition: What's in your lunch bag?

I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself when I unpacked the leftovers from my lunch bag this week. Almost by accident, what I had pulled out of the fridge as I ran out of the house turned out to be a fairly balanced ...

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