Psychology & Psychiatry

Health information causing new mums anxiety

Pregnancy and motherhood are both wonderful and worrisome times – could public health campaigns and social stereotypes be contributing to anxiety for mothers? Researchers from Monash University have identified links between ...


New worldwide regulatory framework proposed for pharmaceuticals

Professor Sam Salek at the University of Hertfordshire has today (1st June) published a "universal framework" for global regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry to use when weighing up the benefits versus risks ...


How we make emotional decisions

Some decisions arouse far more anxiety than others. Among the most anxiety-provoking are those that involve options with both positive and negative elements, such choosing to take a higher-paying job in a city far from family ...


How the brain makes decisions

Some types of decision-making have proven to be very difficult to simulate, limiting progress in the development of computer models of the brain. EPFL scientists have developed a new model of complex decision-making, and ...


Memories influence choice of food

The stronger our memory is of a certain food, the more likely we are to choose it - even if it is the more unattractive option. Psychologists at the University of Basel conducted a study on how memory influences our choices ...


Patients seek greater ownership of health-care decisions

Patients faced with a choice of surgical options want to engage their physicians and take a more active role in decision-making, according to a study (abstract 567) released at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2015. Further, ...


Research shows sleep loss impedes decision making in crisis

The difference between life and death in the operating room, on the battlefield or during a police shootout often comes down to the ability to adapt to the unexpected. Sleep deprivation may make it difficult to do so, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Practical applications of 'nudge' psychology

Following the publication of Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein's persuasive book "Nudge", nudges have become a popular tool in many fields from tax collection to public health and not least among advertisers, but a thorough ...

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