Psychology & Psychiatry

Pyschiatric advance directives effective for mental disorders

Peer worker-facilitated psychiatric advance directives (PW-PAD) are effective for decreasing compulsory hospital admissions among people with mental disorders, according to a study recently published in JAMA Psychiatry.


Patient choice at heart of new online decision aids

A health website has launched a range of free online health decision aids, allowing patients to make more informed treatment choices, thanks to the work of a Newcastle University academic.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why our obsession with happy endings can lead to bad decisions

"All's well that ends well," wrote William Shakespeare over 400 years ago. The words may still seem to ring true today, but turns out they don't. We have just busted the old myth in a recent brain imaging experiment, published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Drug-use may hamper moral judgment

Regular cocaine and methamphetamine users can have difficulty choosing between right and wrong, perhaps because the specific parts of their brains used for moral processing and evaluating emotions are damaged by their prolonged ...

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