Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychedelic drugs: how the brains of informed users are different

There is a new generation of drug users out there who possess highly detailed pharmacological and technical knowledge about the drugs they take. "Psychonauts" (meaning "navigator of the soul") are enthusiastic and deliberate ...


Making decisions based on how we feel about memories, not accuracy

When we recall a memory, we retrieve specific details about it: where, when, with whom. But we often also experience a vivid feeling of remembering the event, sometimes almost reliving it. Memory researchers call these processes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why our obsession with happy endings can lead to bad decisions

"All's well that ends well," wrote William Shakespeare over 400 years ago. The words may still seem to ring true today, but turns out they don't. We have just busted the old myth in a recent brain imaging experiment, published ...

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