Psychology & Psychiatry

Female firefighters more likely to suffer PTSD, contemplate suicide

In the heavily male-dominated firefighting profession, females seem to take on a majority of stress. Consuelo Arbona, UH professor of counseling psychology reports in the journal Occupational Medicine that one-fifth of female ...


Japan's centenarian population swells

The number of people aged 100 or older in rapidly greying Japan has hit a record high for the 44th straight year, the government said Friday.


Survey finds majority support for drug checking services

Data from the 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey examined support for drug checking services, analyzing between demographic, social, and substance use variables and the endorsement of drug checking.

Medical research

Women still missing from cardiovascular clinical trial leadership

Despite recent efforts to improve women's leadership in cardiovascular clinical trial research over the last decade, the number of female principal investigators (PIs) still falls well below the number of males leading similar ...

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