
Subcutaneous fat emerges as a protector of females' brains

Females' propensity to deposit more fat in places like their hips, buttocks and the backs of their arms, so-called subcutaneous fat, is protective against brain inflammation, which can result in problems like dementia and ...


Sunlight exposure found to trigger increased eating in men

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Israel, working with colleagues from Columbia University in the U.S. and the Institute for Diabetes and Obesity in Germany, has found that exposure to more sunlight ...

Medical research

A non-hormonal pill could soon expand men's birth control options

Women have many choices for birth control, ranging from pills to patches to intrauterine devices, and partly as a result, they bear most of the burden of preventing pregnancy. But men's birth control options—and, therefore, ...


Experimental compound counters diabetic complications

An experimental compound reduced complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in mice—not by lowering blood sugar—but by countering its consequences: cell death, inflammation, and organ damage.


Epigenetics: Immunization is passed on to offspring

Does an infection also affect the immunization of subsequent generations? Researchers at Radboud University (Netherlands) have studied this together with the Universities of Bonn, Saarland (Germany), Lausanne (Switzerland) ...

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