Medical research

Research on mice suggests new fertility treatments

Japanese scientists have turned mouse skin cells into eggs that produced baby mice—a technique that, if successfully applied to humans, could someday allow women to stop worrying about the ticking of their biological clocks ...

Oncology & Cancer

New possibilities for prostate cancer treatment revealed

Researchers have identified a sub-group of cells that could contribute to prostate cancer recurrence, opening up new ways to treat the disease, which claims more than 3000 lives a year in Australia.

Medical research

Long, mysterious strips of RNA contribute to low sperm count

Scientists have found distinctive portions of genetic material—known as lncRNAs—that help sperm develop. Male mice lacking a particular lncRNA have low sperm count, suggesting lncRNAs could represent novel infertility ...

Medical research

Hormone curbs depressive-like symptoms in stressed mice

A hormone with anti-diabetic properties also reduces depression-like symptoms in mice, researchers from the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio reported today.

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