Obstetrics & gynaecology

Great expectations: Patients overestimate success in IVF

Couples embarking on IVF to treat their infertility tend to overestimate their chance of success, according to a prospective study of 69 couples having at least their second treatment attempt. Such over-optimism, suggest ...


Having less sex linked to earlier menopause

Women who engage in sexual activity weekly or monthly have a lower risk of entering menopause early relative to those who report having some form of sex less than monthly, according to a new UCL study.


The influence of alcohol consumption among cohabitating partners

Research has linked a partner's or spouse's drinking with changes in alcohol-related behaviours, but few studies have considered only cohabiting relationships. A new study published in Drug & Alcohol Review sought to determine ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

First case of dengue spread by sex confirmed in Spain

Spanish health authorities confirmed Friday a case of a man spreading dengue through sex, a world first for a virus which until recently was thought to be transmitted only by mosquitos.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chlamydia in testicular tissue linked to male infertility

The potential impact of undiagnosed sexually transmitted chlamydia infection on men's fertility has been highlighted in a QUT-led study, which for the first time found chlamydia in the testicular tissue biopsies of infertile ...

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