Oncology & Cancer

Radically modified cells may stunt brain tumor growth

(Medical Xpress)—The American Brain Tumor Association says this year nearly 70,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with tumors that form in blood vessels, cranial nerves, lymphatic tissue and other parts of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Recurrent brain cancers follow distinctive genetic paths

(Medical Xpress)—Brain tumors known as low-grade gliomas can be treated with surgery, sometimes in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, with some patients living for decades after treatment. But because ...


Brain tumor removal through a hole smaller than a dime

More than two decades ago, Ryan Vincent had open brain surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor, resulting in a lengthy hospital stay and weeks of recovery at home. Recently, neurosurgeons at Houston Methodist Hospital removed ...

Oncology & Cancer

New clue to aggressive brain tumors

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a biological marker that may help predict survival in people with deadly brain tumors. The researchers showed that when ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify proteins that may help brain tumors spread

Scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have identified a molecular pathway that seems to contribute to the ability of malignant glioma cells in a brain tumor to spread and invade previously healthy brain tissue. ...

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