
Torn neck arteries may be more common than once thought

Along each side of the neck are a pair of arteries that supply blood to the brain. It's rare for one of those blood vessels to tear. But it's one of the most common causes of a stroke in younger adults, according to a new ...


Social inequity linked to lower use of epidural in childbirth

In a study of women in labor in the U. S., social inequity was associated with lower use of neuraxial analgesia—an epidural or spinal pain reliever— among non-Hispanic white women and, to a greater extent, among African ...

Medical economics

Nurse aide turnover linked to scheduling decisions

Long-term care facilities that scheduled part-time Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) with more hours and more consistently with the same co-workers had reduced turnover, according to research led by Washington State University. ...

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