
Higher frequency cannabis use tied to demographic factors

(HealthDay)—Higher frequency cannabis use is more common among young and racial minority populations, and individuals with low socioeconomic status, according to a study published online Nov. 30 in JAMA Network Open.


Attitudes toward vaccine travel requirements

There is an urgent need in the tourism industry to determine effective ways to stop the spread of COVID-19 and facilitate future travel. Pre-travel vaccination requirements may hold the key to restoring travel to pre-pandemic ...


Common osteoporosis drug may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes

New research being presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), held online this year, suggests that the widely used osteoporosis drug alendronate reduces the risk of type ...

Oncology & Cancer

Widowers more likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer

Social environment is a key factor in the risk of developing prostate cancer. Ph.D. student Charlotte Salmon and Professor Marie-Élise Parent of Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) have shown that widowers ...


Life changes influence physical activity

Life changes influence the amount of physical activity in a person, according to a recent study by the University of Jyväskylä. The birth of children and a change of residence, marital status and place of work all influence ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Social support may not ease menopause symptoms

People in menopause experiencing upsetting stressful events are more likely to have worsened menopause symptoms—and the level of social support they receive doesn't seem to moderate the impact on symptoms, according to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Need to reduce work-related stress? It's a walk in the park

Work causes so much stress that it's become a global public health issue. The impact of stress on mental and physical health can also hurt productivity and result in economic loss. A new study now finds that working people ...

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