Psychology & Psychiatry

Unboxing videos fueling kids' tantrums, breeding consumerism

"Tis the season for tantrums in the toy aisles and impossibly long Santa lists. But for parents wishing to shield their children from the clutches of consumerism, shutting off the TV commercials and avoiding the malls may ...

Medical research

Simple method rescues stressed liver cells

Isolated human hepatocytes are essential tools in preclinical and clinical liver research, but cell quality is highly variable. Now, researchers from Uppsala University have devised a simple protocol that improves hepatocyte ...


Rape coverage often missing meaningful discussion

Rape is a crime that makes headlines yet may fail to elicit the kind of meaningful conversations that should follow. A University of Kansas journalism professor has published a study showing that media coverage of the Duke ...


Community gardens may produce more than vegetables

People who participate in community gardening have a significantly lower body mass index—as well as lower odds of being overweight or obese—than do their non-gardening neighbors. Researchers at the University of Utah ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Profanity in TV and video games linked to teen aggression

While it's been long established that watching violent scenes increases aggression levels, a new study in the medical journal Pediatrics suggests that profanity in the media may have a similar effect. Pediatrics is the top-ranked ...

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