
Characteristics of metabolically unhealthy lean people

Compared to people who are of normal weight and metabolically healthy, subjects who are of normal weight but metabolically unhealthy (~20 percent of normal weight adults) have a more than three-fold higher risk of mortality ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

9/11 caused mental illness far beyond US borders

Acts of terrorism have a much wider psychological impact than typically assumed, reaching across borders and spreading fear among populations thousands of miles removed from the actual targets.

Oncology & Cancer

Learning from extinction: New insights on controlling cancer

The earth is in the throes of a sixth mass extinction of species. Unlike those that preceded it, the current die-off is largely driven by human activity—the destruction of diverse habitats; the pollution of air, earth, ...


Location of body fat can elevate heart disease, cancer risk

Individuals with excessive abdominal fat have a greater risk of heart disease and cancer than individuals with a similar body mass index (BMI) who carry their fat in other areas of the body, according to a study published ...

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