
Rwanda to grow medical cannabis, strictly for export

Rwanda has approved the production of medical cannabis strictly for export, seeking to target fast-growing markets in the United States and European Union, even though its use remains illegal at home.


WHO urges Russia to follow guidelines on virus vaccine

The World Health Organization on Tuesday urged Russia to follow the established guidelines for producing safe and effective vaccines after Moscow announced plans to start swiftly producing COVID-19 jabs.


Go vegan to jumpstart weight loss

(HealthDay)—Vegan diets are hard for many people to stick with long-term, but studies show that this way of eating can translate to weight loss.


New technology: Edible QR code can be the medicine of the future

For the last 100 years, researchers have constantly pushed the boundaries for our knowledge about medicine and how different bodies can respond differently to it. However, the methods for the production of medicine have not ...

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