
Throwing light on the brain's perception of transparency

Researchers have created a new optical illusion that helps reveal how our brains determine the material properties of objects – such as whether they are transparent, shiny, matte or translucent – just from looking at ...

Medical research

Protein found in milk speeds up wound healing, study shows

Bandages infused with casein, a protein that occurs naturally in cow's milk, significantly improved wound healing in rats compared to those in control groups, according to a new study by UCL researchers.

Medical research

Synthetic tissue model with blood vessels developed

Using lab-created tissue to heal or replace damaged organs is one of the great visions for the future of medicine. Synthetic materials could be suitable as scaffolding for tissue because, unlike natural tissues, they remain ...

Biomedical technology

Infection-resistant, 3D-printed metals developed for implants

A novel surgical implant developed by Washington State University researchers was able to kill 87% of the bacteria that cause staph infections in laboratory tests, while remaining strong and compatible with surrounding tissue ...

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