Medical research

Microcalcification 'fingerprints' can yield info about cancer

An interdisciplinary collaboration 10 years in the making used a materials science approach to "fingerprint" the calcium mineral deposits known as microcalcifications that reveal pathological clues to the progression of breast ...

Oncology & Cancer

Better cancer treatment inspired by the foam on your latte

Inspired by the foam on top of lattes, as well as gummy bears and Pop Rocks candies, researchers at the University of Iowa are creating new, biocompatible materials that may improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation ...

Medical research

It takes a heart to make a better lung

Interactions between the developing heart and lungs are essential for proper growth and maturation; however, much is still unknown about the co-development of these critical organs. To provide fresh insight, a team of collaborators ...


Getting a grip on hand function

Humans are unparalleled in the animal kingdom in hand dexterity. We use tools, hold pens, thread needles, and more, with little thought about the challenges the nervous system faces when precisely applying forces with the ...

Radiology & Imaging

This bizarre looking helmet can create better brain scans

It may look like a bizarre bike helmet, or a piece of equipment found in Doc Brown's lab in Back to the Future, yet this gadget made of plastic and copper wire is a technological breakthrough with the potential to revolutionize ...

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