
Gene therapy treats chronic pain by dialing down sodium

Researchers at NYU College of Dentistry's Pain Research Center have developed a gene therapy that treats chronic pain by indirectly regulating a specific sodium ion channel, according to a new study published in the Proceedings ...

Biomedical technology

Researchers restore cold sensation in amputees' phantom limbs

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) researchers have developed one of the world's smallest, most intense and fastest refrigeration devices, the wearable thin-film thermoelectric cooler (TFTEC), and teamed with ...

Medical research

Protein found in milk speeds up wound healing, study shows

Bandages infused with casein, a protein that occurs naturally in cow's milk, significantly improved wound healing in rats compared to those in control groups, according to a new study by UCL researchers.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers solve the mystery of how a deadly virus hides in humans

With a new method for examining virus samples researchers from the University of Copenhagen have solved an old riddle about how Hepatitis C virus avoids the human body's immune defenses. The result may have an impact on how ...

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