Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Bats in Northeast India carry filoviruses that can infect humans

Researchers have proposed that bats are the natural reservoir of filoviruses, including highly fatal Ebola and Marbug viruses. Now, researchers report in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases that in Northeast India, bats, as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Caution: Content warnings do not reduce stress, study shows

Advocates for the use of trigger warnings suggest that they can help people avoid or emotionally prepare for encountering content related to a past trauma. But trigger warnings may not fulfill either of these functions, according ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists probe a protein's role in speeding Ebola's spread

Two Johns Hopkins materials science graduate students and their professors played a key role in a multi-institution research project that pinpointed how a tiny protein seems to make the deadly Ebola virus particularly contagious.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Threat to United States from new European E. coli strain unclear

(Medical Xpress) -- Over the centuries, many unexpected things have come to the United States from Germany and caught on -- lager beer, sauerkraut, bratwurst and the Volkswagen Beetle are a few that come to mind -- but don't ...


Getting a grip on hand function

Humans are unparalleled in the animal kingdom in hand dexterity. We use tools, hold pens, thread needles, and more, with little thought about the challenges the nervous system faces when precisely applying forces with the ...

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