
Female diet alters the nutrient composition of fluid in the womb

Scientists at the University of Soutahmpton's Faculty of Medicine have discovered that maternal diet affects the nutrient composition of fluid in the womb of women and thus may aid in the development of nutritional interventions ...


Mum's diet mirrors child's food allergies

A long-term study evaluating maternal diet's impact on food allergy in later life is expected to uncover causes of allergy in children.


Pregnant women need not avoid peanuts, evidence shows

Women need not fear that eating peanuts during pregnancy could cause their child to develop a peanut allergy, according to a new study from Boston Children's Hospital published online Dec. 23 in JAMA Pediatrics.


Fetal stress disrupts the way genes are transmitted

If you think stress is killing you, you may be right, but what you don't know is that stress might have harmed your health even before you were born. In a new report appearing in the August 2013 issue of The FASEB Journal, ...


Preventing obesity transmission during pregnancy

A much neglected part of the obesity epidemic is that it has resulted in more overweight/obese women before and during pregnancy. Their offspring also tend to have higher birth weights and more body fat, and carry an increased ...

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