Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers find risk-taking behavior rises until age 50

Willing to risk your knowledge, skills and monetary reward in competition? If you are under age 50, you've probably not reached your competitive peak. If you are older, that peak is behind you. That people are willing to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Math disability linked to problem relating quantities to numerals

Children who start elementary school with difficulty associating small exact quantities of items with the printed numerals that represent those quantities are more likely to develop a math-related learning disability than ...


Don't get math? Researchers home in on the brain's problem

Can't calculate a tip or even balance your checkbook? Take heart; maybe you can blame your brain - specifically, the parietal cortex in the top back part of the head. And it could be a problem that has roots not in a failed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Intuitive thinking may influence belief in God

Intuition may lead people toward a belief in the divine and help explain why some people have more faith in God than others, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Working together can help battle effects of fatigue

Fatigue can lead to dangerous errors by doctors, pilots and others in high-risk professions, but individuals who work together as a team display better problem-solving skills than those who face their fatigue alone, new research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A change in perspective could be all it takes to succeed in school

Knowing the right way to handle stress in the classroom and on the sports field can make the difference between success and failure for the millions of students going back to school this fall, new University of Chicago research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Penmanship still important skill for kids to have

Laptops, cellphones, smartphones, tablets. It's becoming an e-world when it comes to messaging, but a Kansas State University education expert says that doesn't mean it's time to put a period to handwriting.

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