Medical research

Researchers identify molecule that protects women's eggs

A new study led by Professor Kui Liu at the University of Gothenburg has identified the key molecule 'Greatwall kinase' which protects women's eggs against problems that can arise during the maturation process.


Counting the seconds for immunological tolerance

Our immune system must distinguish between self and foreign and in order to fight infections without damaging the body's own cells at the same time. The immune system is loyal to cells in the body, but how this works is not ...

Medical research

Stem cell therapies hold promise, but obstacles remain

(Medical Xpress)—In an article appearing online today in the journal Science, a group of researchers, including University of Rochester neurologist Steve Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., review the potential and challenges facing ...


Children on dairy farms less likely to develop allergies

Children who live on farms that produce milk run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies as other rural children. According to researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, pregnant women may benefit from spending time on dairy ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists use laying hens to study fibroid tumors

An estimated 70 percent of women in the United States develop fibroid tumors in the uterus by age 50, and while the noncancerous tumors cause no symptoms for the majority of those women, they make life miserable for tens ...

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