Psychology & Psychiatry

Can Superman trigger heroic helping in people?

Might people be more likely to help a stranger or donate money immediately after watching the latest Marvel film? Heroes demonstrate extraordinary courage, go to great lengths to help others, and live meaningful lives. They ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Thrill-seeking, search for meaning fuel political violence

What drives someone to support or participate in politically or religiously motivated acts of violence, and what can be done to prevent them? While one factor may be a search for meaning in life, research published by the ...


Why we will probably never have a perfect clock

The time has come again when many of us switch our clocks from summer or daylight-saving time back to winter time. And the usual confusion sets in, is it an hour forwards or back? Why do we need to change the time at all? ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Our brains process irony in emojis, words in the same way

That winky-face emoji that you use at the end of a text isn't just a fun picture added to your sentence. It can convey linguistic meaning that changes the interpretation of the sentence, a new study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The God of small things

New research suggests people who are religious gain happiness from believing there is a deeper meaning to everyday events.

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