
The meat paradox

When we eat beef, chicken wings, hot dogs or spaghetti bolognese, we do it in denial. Already by referring to what we eat as "beef" instead of "cow", we have created a distance between our food and an animal with abilities ...

Oncology & Cancer

Balanced diet required in prevention of cancer

(Medical Xpress)—Balancing your diet with protective foods rich in fibre and vitamin C can help prevent the formation of cancer causing compounds in the gut, the British Science Festival will hear today.


How people defend eating meat

Meat eaters who justify their eating habits feel less guilty and are more tolerant of social inequality say researchers.

Oncology & Cancer

Why are colorectal cancer rates rising among younger adults?

Nearly double the number of young adults under 55 are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer than a decade ago, and more are dying from the disease each year, as reported recently by the American Cancer Society.


Meat study authors have financial ties to beef industry

The authors of a recent study downplaying the health risks of red meat have financial ties with meat producers. The international group of researchers has received funding from a university program partially backed by the ...


Can masculine marketing convince more men to eat vegan?

Eating more plant-based meals is better for our health and better for the planet. But cultural preferences are significant barriers to reducing meat consumption—especially for men, who are underrepresented among vegans ...


Americans still eat too much processed meat and too little fish

A new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that the amount of processed meat consumed by Americans has remained unchanged in the past 18 years, nor has their intake of fish/shellfish increased. ...

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