Psychology & Psychiatry

The meanings of meat

Invitations to dinner more often entail the consumption of meat than does an evening meal alone at home. A new study by LMU researchers shows that the willingness to forego meat is highly context dependent.


Introducing meat analogs to school catering: An instant hit?

In a primary school in Budapest, Hungary, 265 pupils tried meat-free spaghetti Bolognese, made entirely from pea protein instead of meat. The common aim of the project partners is to familiarize pupils with plant-based meat ...


US fake meat firm mounts challenge to legal restrictions

A US firm that sells turkey-flavored tofu has taken legal action against a law that prohibits use of the word "meat" to describe its products, amid a political backlash to the growing popularity of meat substitutes.


Dietary supplement boosts cognitive function in vegetarians

Vegetarians who take the dietary supplement creatine may enjoy improved brain function, according to a new study. The research will be presented today at the American Physiological Society's (APS) annual meeting at Experimental ...

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