
Growing appetite for meat alternatives in Brussels

Increasing numbers of people in Belgium are turning away from meat in favor of plant-based alternatives, according to new research from psychologists at the University of Bath, in collaboration with Belgian animal welfare ...

Oncology & Cancer

Umbrella review reveals links between diet, colorectal cancer

(HealthDay)—Higher intakes of dietary fiber, dietary calcium, and yogurt and lower intakes of red meat and alcohol are associated with a lower risk for colorectal cancer (CRC), according to a review published online Feb. ...


US regulators OK genetically modified pig for food, drugs

U.S. regulators have approved a genetically modified pig for food and medical products, making it the second such animal to get the green light for human consumption. But the company behind it says there are no imminent plans ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Public say no to supplement-enriched 'hybrid meats'

Consumers say that they may buy "hybrid meat" products that combine meat and other ingredients, but only if they include whole plant-based foods such as onions, according to new research.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover molecular link between diet and risk of cancer

An international team of researchers has identified a direct molecular link between meat and dairy diets and the development of antibodies in the blood that increase the chances of developing cancer. This connection may explain ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The meanings of meat

Invitations to dinner more often entail the consumption of meat than does an evening meal alone at home. A new study by LMU researchers shows that the willingness to forego meat is highly context dependent.

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