
Louisiana shelves cut to Medicaid hospice program

(AP)—Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal's administration has scrapped plans to shutter the state's Medicaid hospice program in February, meaning the state will continue to provide end-of-life care to people on their death beds ...


Families face tough decisions as cost of elder care soars

Doris Ranzman had followed the expert advice, planning ahead in case she wound up unable to care for herself one day. But when a nursing-home bill tops $14,000 a month, the best-laid plans get tossed aside.


Time to stop using 9 million children as a bargaining CHIP

Since the inauguration of President Donald Trump, health care has been front and center in American politics. Yet attention has almost exclusively focused on the Affordable Care Act and congressional Republicans' slew of ...


Model Arkansas way of expanding Medicaid at risk

Less than a year after its approval, Arkansas' much-heralded plan to expand Medicaid by buying private insurance for the poor instead of adding them to the rolls is on the brink of being abandoned. Supporters are worried ...

Medical economics

States begin tapping Medicaid dollars to combat gun violence

To tackle America's gun problem, a growing number of states are using Medicaid dollars to pay for community-based programs intended to stop shootings. The idea is to boost resources for violence prevention programs, which ...


In surprising turnabout, Oklahoma eyes Medicaid expansion

Despite bitter resistance in Oklahoma for years to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, Republican leaders in this conservative state are now confronting something that alarms them even more: a huge $1.3 billion ...


House GOP proposes 5-year extension for children's health

A popular program that provides health insurance for 8.9 million low-income children would get five more years of funding under legislation Republicans plan to push through a House committee this week. The measure comes days ...

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