
Expert: Time to break the beta blocker habit?

First developed in the 1950s, beta blockers have been a mainstay in medicine for decades, used to treat everything from heart disease to stage fright to glaucoma. But some older classes of beta blockers are causing new concerns.

Oncology & Cancer

Novel treatment for skin lymphoma

Promising findings on a novel combination treatment approach for a chronic type of skin lymphoma are being published today (embargoed for 4 pm) in JAMA's Archives of Dermatology by clinical researchers from Seidman Cancer ...


Family's participation key to advancing diabetes research

Individuals with Type 1 diabetes have a smaller pancreas than people without diabetes. This is surprising because insulin-producing beta cells account for just a small fraction of the pancreas, so the loss of beta cells in ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Elderly people protected against respiratory infections by BCG vaccine

The BCG vaccine has a broad, stimulating effect on the immune system. This gives it an effective preventive action against various infections—possibly also against COVID-19. New studies are investigating that. BCG is frequently ...

Medical economics

A new study reveals the economic burden of gun violence

A study led by Christopher Marrero, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, reports that the net loss for treating acute firearm injuries at one Level I Trauma ...

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