
ChatGPT outscores med students on complex clinical exam questions

ChatGPT can outperform first- and second-year medical students in answering challenging clinical care exam questions, a new study by Stanford researchers has revealed. The findings highlight the accelerating impact of artificial ...

Medical research

Researchers test AI-powered chatbot's medical diagnostic ability

In a recent experiment published in JAMA, physician-researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) tested one well-known publicly available chatbot's ability to make accurate diagnoses in challenging medical ...


Personalized blood pressure treatment more effective, study finds

Patients treated with blood pressure-lowering drugs can experience much greater improvements from a change of medication than from doubling the dose of their current medication. This is shown by a new study from Uppsala University, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers expand disease tracking in wastewater

Public health experts commonly track spikes in flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and rhinovirus circulating in a population through weekly reports from sentinel laboratories. These laboratories process samples from ...

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