
Study finds that experts support DNA sequencing in newborns

Babies born in U.S. hospitals currently undergo routine newborn screening, a laboratory test to identify the risk of up to 60 treatable conditions. But hundreds of genetic disorders, including a growing number of devastating ...

Oncology & Cancer

Classifying cancer cells to predict metastatic potential

Cancer cells that initiate metastasis, or the spread of the disease from its primary location, are different from cancer cells that stay in the original tumor. Distinguishing metastasis-initiating cell types can determine ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

NMOSD patients: Less cognitive impairment than previously assumed

In a large study led by the MHH neurology department, researchers investigated the cognition of patients with the rare disease NMOSD. It was found that about 20 percent of those affected have limited cognitive abilities.

Health informatics

The promise—and pitfalls—of medical AI headed our way

A patient is lying on the operating table as the surgical team reaches an impasse. They can't find the intestinal rupture. A surgeon asks aloud, "Check whether we missed a view of any intestinal section in the visual feed ...

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