
237+ million medication errors made every year in England

More than 237 million medication errors are made every year in England, the avoidable consequences of which cost the NHS upwards of £98 million and more than 1700 lives every year, indicate national estimates, published ...


Medication errors prevented with optimized lighting

Western societies currently face the challenge of maintaining the high standard of health care (both affordable and available), with a growing shortage of care professionals. A well-designed hospital environment can positively ...


A prescription for medicating your child safely

When your child is sick, taking the right medication can make all the difference—as long as it's correctly chosen and measured. But sometimes mistakes occur. Here are safety steps to help prevent medication errors from ...


Doctor burnout costs health care system $4.6 billion a year

Burnout among doctors is costing the U.S. health-care system an estimated $4.6 billion a year in billings because of reduced hours, physician turnover, and expenses associated with finding and hiring replacements, according ...

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