Medical research

Child donors' psychological risk unknown

It is accepted medical practice that child siblings, even as young as six months, can be used as bone marrow or blood stem cell donors to save a brother or sister with a life-threatening illness.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Three ethical reasons for vaccinating your children

Across the country, billboards are popping up suggesting that vaccines can kill children, when the science behind vaccination is crystal clear – vaccinations are extremely safe.


Ethical challenges for medical personnel in combat zones

Licensed medical personnel on military operations abroad adapt easily to the military organisation but experience dual loyalties between the organisation and their medical ethics. This emerges in a new dissertation by Kristina ...


Charlie Gard's life became 'soap opera': clinician

A clinician who treated Charlie Gard, the terminally-ill British baby who died last month, said Saturday his short life became a soap opera fuelled by President Donald Trump and the pope.


Court battle over UK baby raises ethical conundrum

A five-month legal battle over the fate of a terminally-ill British baby that drew the attention of Pope Francis and US President Donald Trump has also stoked an often angry debate about medical ethics and the courts.


Medical ethics under Nazism

Did Nazi-era physicians study medical ethics? Does the concept of medical ethics exist independently of political systems? These were the questions driving Dr. Florian Bruns of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Dr. ...

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