
Health care vaccine mandate remains as some push for an end

At Truman Lake Manor in rural Missouri, every day begins the same way for every employee entering the nursing home's doors—with a swab up the nose, a swirl of testing solution and a brief wait to see whether a thin red ...


Med errors common among pediatric cancer outpatients

(HealthDay)—Among pediatric cancer patients who receive medications at home, errors are common, with a rate of 3.6 errors with injury per 100 patients, according to a study published online April 29 in Pediatrics.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How Spain's free taxis helped battle the virus

In Madrid's deserted streets with paying customers scarce, taxi drivers running doctors from house-to-house or taking the sick to hospital have become an essential service, their free rides helping frontline medics fight ...


Certified medical homes tied to better diabetes outcomes

(HealthDay)—Primary care practices certified as medical homes have more practice systems and higher performance on diabetes care versus uncertified practices, according to a study published in the January/February issue ...

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