
Why sleep training will not hurt your child

Throughout my medical training, I thought putting an infant to sleep was as simple as putting them down in a bassinet or a crib. When parents approached me complaining of how difficult it was to get their infant to sleep, ...


Clinical guidelines from specialty societies often biased

Clinical practice guidelines issued by specialty societies in North America often recommend health care services linked to their specialties, in contrast with European guidelines and those from independent organizations, ...


Medications—As many as needed, as few as possible

A third of all patients in general practice suffer from multiple diseases. These patients are usually treated by various medical specialists who often do not adequately coordinate their prescriptions. The mixture of pills ...

Medical research

Child donors' psychological risk unknown

It is accepted medical practice that child siblings, even as young as six months, can be used as bone marrow or blood stem cell donors to save a brother or sister with a life-threatening illness.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Even psychological placebos have an effect

Placebo effects do not only occur in medical treatment—placebos can also work when psychological effects are attributed to them. Psychologists from the University of Basel reported these findings in the journal Scientific ...

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