
WHO weighs up AI risks and benefits for health care

Generative artificial intelligence could transform health care through things like drug development and quicker diagnoses, but the World Health Organization warned Thursday of the potential pitfalls in rushing to embrace ...


Gabapentinoids associated with severe exacerbation of COPD

A population-based cohort study of more than 10,000 persons using gabapentinoids found that their use was associated with an increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation. This study supports ...


Novel microfluidic device models gut neuro-epithelial connections

Epithelial cells and sensory neurons communicate through neuro-epithelial connections in the GI tract, essential for major senses and digestion. Studying these interactions has been complicated due to the differing needs ...


A beating biorobotic heart aims to better simulate valves

Combining a biological heart and a silicone robotic pump, researchers created a biorobotic heart that beats like a real one, focusing on a valve on the left side of the heart. The heart valve simulator, presented on January ...

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