
Study unpacks how medical systems harm the intersex community

Intersex people's (people whose sex characteristics do not fit within the strict binary categorizations of male or female) health care has received a lot of media attention recently, particularly with the uptick in anti-transgender ...

Medical research

Researchers test AI-powered chatbot's medical diagnostic ability

In a recent experiment published in JAMA, physician-researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) tested one well-known publicly available chatbot's ability to make accurate diagnoses in challenging medical ...


Deep learning reconstruction enables accelerated knee MRI

Deep learning (DL) reconstructed knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is diagnostically equivalent to conventional accelerated MRI for evaluating internal derangement of the knee in a clinical setting, according to a study ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Poorer health outcomes for at-risk patients with fractures

People at high risk of fracture who also have complex or multiple chronic medical conditions are less likely to receive treatment for the underlying osteoporosis and also have poorer health outcomes, according to a new study ...

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