
Medical schools being challenged to find training sites

(HealthDay)—Medical schools are working to find solutions to ensure their students can continue to receive clinical training in spite of the escalating shortage of training sites, according to an article published by the ...


Report advises better management of multiple medication use

(Medical Xpress)—Policy, medical training and clinical practice have failed to adapt to a significant increase in the number of patients taking multiple prescription drugs, according to a new report published by The King's ...


Life without fits: New treatment for refractory epilepsies

Through a joint project between the University Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery at the MedUni Vienna, a new treatment option has recently been launched that promises people with difficult-to-treat forms of epilepsy ...


Illegal buttocks injections kill, maim US women

(AP)—Women across the U.S. are risking their lives for illegal procedures to make their buttocks bigger, often involving home-improvement materials such as silicone injected by people with no medical training.


Exercise benefits patients with type 2 diabetes

Moderate-intensity exercise reduces fat stored around the heart, in the liver and in the abdomen of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, even in the absence of any changes in diet, according to a new study published online ...

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