Medical economics

Study gauges positive impacts of Medicare on low-income adults

Medicare eligibility and enrollment are associated with decreases in the percentage of low-income adults who delay or avoid medical care due to costs, as well as in the percentage who worry about or have problems paying medical ...

Medical economics

Data shows nursing home closure often linked to care issues

When 17 nursing homes closed in Ohio in fiscal 2023, the Ohio Health Care Association, which represents nursing homes in the state, echoed a refrain often used by the industry to explain closures and get more funding from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fee for service psychology no answer to mental health

The Better Access Program, a scheme providing Medicare access to psychology services, has fundamental failures, according to research from The Australian National University (ANU).


'Obamacare' improves Medicare funding outlook

Funding for Medicare health insurance has improved due to health care reforms, but the US Social Security trust fund was still expected to run out in 2033, the government reported Friday.


Medicare spending $9B on hepatitis C drugs

Medicare spending on breakthrough medications for hepatitis C will nearly double this year, passing $9 billion, according to new government figures. That's raising insurance costs for all beneficiaries, whether or not they ...


Study examines cost-savings of physician group practice program

In an analysis of the cost-savings achieved by an earlier pilot program, the Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration (PGPD), researchers found modest estimates of overall savings associated with the PGPD, but larger ...

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