
Setting the record straight on Medicare's overhead costs

The traditional Medicare program allocates only 1 percent of total spending to overhead compared with 6 percent when the privatized portion of Medicare, known as Medicare Advantage, is included, according to a study in the ...


Obama's budget targets high cost of cutting-edge drugs

With patients facing greater exposure to the high cost of new medications, President Barack Obama on Monday called for government to use its buying power to squeeze drug companies for lower prices.


Spending on compounded drugs skyrocketing

(HealthDay)—Government spending on compounded drugs has skyrocketed, raising concerns of fraud and overbilling, according to a report published by Kaiser Health News.


Senators unveil compromise to reduce drug costs for seniors

Two senior senators—a Republican and a Democrat—unveiled compromise legislation Tuesday to reduce prescription drug costs for millions of Medicare recipients, while saving money for federal and state health care programs ...


Then & Now: Medicare and Medicaid turn 50

When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law on July 30, 1965, roughly half of Americans 65 and older had no health insurance.


House leaders work toward bipartisan Medicare deal

In a rare show of unity, top House Republicans and Democrats are working toward a $200 billion agreement revamping how doctors are paid for treating Medicare patients, a package that would be largely financed by adding to ...

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