
Not all docs/nurses want to be asked about hand hygiene

(HealthDay)—Although most health care workers (HCWs) appreciate the role of patients in preventing health care-associated infection, a considerable proportion are uncomfortable with patients asking about their hand hygiene, ...


Bridging the doctor-patient gap

(HealthDay) -- With health care becoming increasingly high-tech, fast-paced and cost-conscious, a lot of doctors and patients alike are feeling out of sorts.


Cyber partners help you go the distance

A new study, testing the benefits of a virtual exercise partner, shows that the presence of a moderately more capable cycling partner boosts motivation to stick to an exercise program. The work by Brandon Irwin and colleagues, ...


For sleep struggles, women urged to alter routines

(HealthDay) -- Driven to sleeplessness by the effects of stress and the demands of their own biology, women are more likely than men to have serious sleep problems, experts say.

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