
The rhythms of the night?

New research published in The Journal of Physiology has illuminated the effects of night-time light exposure on internal body clock processes. This is important for helping those who have poor quality sleep, such as shift ...


Preschoolers exposed to nighttime light lack melatonin

Exposing preschoolers to an hour of bright light before bedtime almost completely shuts down their production of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin and keeps it suppressed for at least 50 minutes after lights out, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

Jet lag drug may aid cancer patients

Painful side effects from cancer medicines could be tackled with a drug that eases the effects of jet lag, research suggests.

Attention deficit disorders

Is ADHD really a sleep problem?

Around 75% of children and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also have sleep problems, but until now these have been thought to be separate issues. Now a in a pulling together of the latest research, ...


Melatonin may help you sleep

Dear Mayo Clinic: Can melatonin supplements help insomnia? What are the side effects of melatonin supplements?

Sleep disorders

Genetic cause for shift work fatigue discovered

Some people adapt easily to shift work, but not everyone can handle constant disruptions to their daily rhythm. Finnish researchers have now found that a melatonin receptor gene influences tolerance to shift work.

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