
Researchers uncover new mechanism of immune-cell activation

When antibody-producing immune cells encounter infectious pathogens for the first time, they engage a signal cascade to generate a massive activation signal within seconds. The mechanisms underlying this acute initial activation ...


Researching why our brains are able learn and memorize

The long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of the strength of hippocampal excitatory synapse involved in learning and memory formation in brain have been separately explained, but the molecular mechanism ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New bioengineering approach to fix fetal membranes

New research led by Queen Mary University of London and UCL has shown that small bioengineered molecules can be used to repair defects in the fetal membranes that surround and protect babies developing in the womb.


Steering the immune system with liposomes

Liposomes—nano-sized spheres composed of fatty molecules—are very promising for vaccination. Bio-pharmaceutical scientist Naomi Benne discovered that the immune response in animal models can be steered by varying the ...

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