
New AI smartphone tool accurately diagnoses ear infections

A new cellphone app developed by physician-scientists at UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to accurately diagnose ear infections, or acute otitis media (AOM), could help decrease ...

Medical research

New study shows a role for cholesterol in pain perception

When you stub your toe or bump your head, you know that rubbing the injury can lessen the ouch. But how? New research from the lab of Scott B. Hansen, Ph.D., shows how physical pressure on cells can reduce pain signals, while ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is ketamine an antidepressant, wellness trend or dangerous drug?

When an autopsy revealed that actor Matthew Perry died of "acute effects of ketamine," it put fresh attention on an ongoing debate in the field of psychiatry: What's the right balance between expanding access to a drug that ...


Scientists see an ultra-fast movement on surface of HIV virus

As the HIV virus glides up outside a human cell to dock and possibly inject its deadly cargo of genetic code, there's a spectacularly brief moment in which a tiny piece of its surface snaps open to begin the process of infection.

Medical research

Molecular jackhammers drill pathway to killing cancer cells  

Just as jackhammers can penetrate concrete, molecular jackhammers (MJH) are nanoscopic machines capable of creating blows so strong that they can crack or rupture the cell membrane, decompensating and killing the cell. The ...

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