Medical research

Study: Bad diets making for bad memories

A poor diet might be damaging more than your waistline—it might be leading to cognitive decline and poor memory, according to Western-led research released this week.


Could eating garlic reduce aging-related memory problems?

Consuming garlic helps counteract age-related changes in gut bacteria associated with memory problems, according to a new study conducted with mice. The benefit comes from allyl sulfide, a compound in garlic known for its ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Education may not protect against dementia as previously thought

Previous studies have suggested that having a higher level of education may protect the brain to some extent against dementia, providing a "cognitive reserve" that buffers against the disease. But results have been mixed, ...


Bioactive compound from the Rhodiola plant improves memory

In an ageing society, more people are suffering from memory disorders. The progressive loss of memory severely impairs the quality of life of those affected. So far, no drugs are known to prevent age-related cognitive decline.

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