
Going for a run could improve cramming for exams

Ever worried that all the information you've crammed in during a study session might not stay in your memory? The answer might be going for a run, according to a new study published in Cognitive Systems Research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Minecraft test shows beer bad for young brain

An experiment using the popular video game Minecraft has shown that teens who drink too much may be in for some serious consequences in the not-too-distant future.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Computer games may ease elderly depression, study finds

Brain-boosting computer games may be as effective as drugs in treating severe depression in some elderly people—perhaps even better, according to trial results published on Tuesday.


Memories are 'geotagged' with spatial information, study finds

Using a video game in which people navigate through a virtual town delivering objects to specific locations, a team of neuroscientists from the University of Pennsylvania and Freiburg University has discovered how brain cells ...

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