Psychology & Psychiatry

Study examines the use of electroconvulsive therapy in England

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which involves passing electricity through the brain, remains a controversial psychiatric treatment for depression and other conditions because it can cause side effects such as memory loss ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why odors trigger powerful memories

Odors evoke powerful memories, an experience enshrined in literature by Marcel Proust and his beloved madeleine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Musical memories as mood boosters

Hearing sounds that are linked to positive experiences from the past can considerably increase well-being, reduce depressive moods and alleviate behavioral problems in people with memory loss, a study by the University of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fear of memory loss impacts well-being and quality of life

Research from the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) at Trinity College suggests that experiencing high levels of fear about dementia can have harmful effects on older adults' beliefs about their memory and general well-being.

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