Psychology & Psychiatry

When we test, do we stress?

A new study shows that when we test older adults in a medical or research setting, it produces a stress response that reduces their memory.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Better memory at ideal temperature

People's working memory functions better if they are working in an ambient temperature where they feel most comfortable. That is what Leiden psychologists Lorenza Colzato and Roberta Sellaro conclude after having conducted ...


Memory problems may increase after being hospitalized

A new study suggests that older people may have an increased risk of problems with memory and thinking abilities after being in the hospital, according to research published in the March 21, 2012, online issue of Neurology.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's leaves clues in blood

Alzheimer researchers in Spain have taken a step closer to finding a blood test to help in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

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